
Do I Have To Quit Drinking Forever?

If you are like most people, there is probably some theme in your life that always makes you feel helpless or powerless, and it is this theme that appears just before you drink. Do I have to stop completely? Q: Is total abstinence the only way to deal with drug/alcohol problems? I have a drinking…

5 Tips for Getting Sober Without the 12 Steps

There isn’t one right way to recover and the reality is that although 12-step programs are effective for many people, they aren’t right for everyone.   When it comes down to it, no person’s recovery looks identical to another’s. Like many people who get sober, I found a 12-step program to be helpful early on…

Inpatient Drug Rehab

Teenage Heroin Addiction: When the Nightmare Becomes Real

Tragically, a growing number of parents are planning funerals for their teenagers rather than graduation parties, as the number of young people using heroin continues to increase. Most parents approach the teenage stage with a sense of dread. First, they remember what their own teen years were like. Second, they recognize that hormones and a…

Top 10 Movie Scenes About Hitting Rock Bottom

When a scene gets it right, when it manages to articulate all the anguish and anxiety and reckoning of a genuinely alcoholic bottom, it can have a profound effect on viewers. Seeing their potential fate on TV can help alcoholics While everyone’s alcoholic bottom is different, there’s no denying that their agony and despair is…

6 Balloons on Netflix: A New Look at Addiction and Relapse

In the opening scenes of 6 Balloons we see the optimistic preparations for a suburban birthday party getting underway. Cool-boxes are filled with beer, green and purple pastel balloons are ferried from the supermarket and a woman hangs bunting on a stool that we can see is teetering precariously beneath her. It's an obvious but…

finger print drug test

Drug Testing With Your Finger Prints?

Breathe on this. Spit on that. Provide a urine sample. You know the drill. The methods of drug testing are relatively common and well-known. From breathalyzers to blood tests, most people are familiar with the process…but all that’s about it change. The new instructions for drug testing might simply be: touch this. Just a simple…